Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The cycle

Sometimes I start on a project on a whim. For example, we venture to Lowes for this or that and we wonder with both our minds thinking, let's convince ourselves into something on our wish list that isn't "that" much. Sometimes reality and responsibility kick in and we both leave, heavy hearted hoping the other would have been the irrational money spender. 

Other times.. well, one of us breaks. My husband, when he breaks he becomes focused. Luckily for us both he usually takes on things that require a fixed amount of time and man power. So it gets done, in a nutshell. 

When it's me, it's usually something cheap that I'm going to do just "to make something better" but not permanent. Then I enter the cycle.

This is how it goes. I'm just getting this gallon of concrete paint for the basement to "test it out". Turns into "let's try it, it can't get worse." Enter me on a kid free hour testing it out, then testing a bigger place as I start to love it. I realize it's great, but maybe the color is off. So I buy more, and retint the original. Now I'm 2 gallons in. I venture to paint even more- thus creating a complete disaster of my basement. I love it do much I think, why temporary, this is awesome! 
This is the turning point. You know, where the temporary place holder becomes my DIY dream. Then I sink in. I google, I dream, I envision how this will all play out. 
Then reality hits. The kids spill water before the floor "cures" and I see how my family has a different version of "tough" on a surface. This is when I start to crumble. This is impossible, this will look awful, I didn't follow the directions on the can. Usually, this is when the kids are home and obviously not privy to my genius of home renovation glory. Then I lose my mind and want to throw in the towel.
I'll save the description of temper tantrum like texts my husband receives and my udder disappointment. Luckily, this means the 360 degree turn is on the way. I finally realize the disarray must go. I need my house back. My propane is mixing with fumes from the cement paint prompting a $85 call to the propane company to see if there's something wrong.
------side note: when vapors mix with your propane they cause a terrible smell but clean your copper while cooking, a happy side to the fear of our house exploding------
It's then I realize, WTF let's just go with it, it will be better then it was. Enter 360.

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