Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When the house picks your projects

In renovating an older home sometimes the house chooses the next project in line.

After a few weeks of reprieve on indoor improvements, the hubs and I started plotting our next indoor projects. We've spent the majority of the spring and any small scraps of $ and energy (free time) we have on the landscaping. I will get pictures up soon.

One thing that has become apparent in the few really muggy hot days we've had is that our house smells. We've worked hard to find the source, but my best guess is 30 year old carpets that sat with dust have embedded their musty scent all over. I always figured some paint and many vacuums later we'd be all set. Nope.

So, our plan is to focus next on floors. My husbands #1- the kitchen. Our beautiful plywood floors are wearing out their welcome. Especially since we have messy boys and no real way to clean them. 

Which brings me to the original topic - the house said no, it wants bathroom floors.

An unfortunate pee incident next to the tub led me to discover a whole lot of mold. Guess we'll be searching for a money tree and tiling the bathroom as our next project.

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