Friday, July 26, 2013

First officially completed project... well mostly?

So it is official, we have new floors in the kids bathroom. After the mold incident, we decided that it was priority #1 to get some waterproof flooring in that bathroom.

Now, if we look at our list for what was needed in this bathroom....

Take off shower door
Shower curtain bar and curtain
Paint ceiling
New vanity light
New Faucet
Towel bars
Toilet paper bar
Hook on door for towels
More shelving in closet
New vanity countertop (?)
New mirror - Painted mirror white

Let me add a few things:
New toilet
New handles for shower
Paint hall door 

Even with the new adds, I would say based on our original ideas of what needed to be done to transform this bathroom from this:

To this:

Its looking good. The shower handles are hidden by the shower curtain. The toilet works and has no visible issues. I WILL get to the last door and paint it by the end of the summer. But, I guess it goes to show you, is anything really done?